Thursday, March 11, 2010

I kissed a?

I read the most retarded story on the internet today about an 18 year old senior in a small Mississippi town. Constance McMillen is a outted Lesbian and all she wanted to do was to take her Girlfriend to the highschool prom and wear a tux when her girlfriend wore a dress. The Itawaba County school board wouldn't let her have any girl or boys dream of finishing their senior year and taking her loved one to the highschool prom. In our society where tolerance is what most of us live everyday and this issue is around all of us on an everyday basis; I was mortified. The school board instead of letting her attend cancelled the prom for everyone. She is from a small american town of 28,000; now tell me going back to school after that decision wasnt hard. Highschool is hard enough without being different but to be singled out for the prom and who you can and can't go with? Seriously, isnt there a whole lot worse things that are out there to worry about? Like the war? Health care? I am sorry when did our civil freedoms take a step back to the 1800's? When wasnt it ok to love whoever you want to? I understand that there are alot of intolerance in our world and there probably always will be because there is to much from the past that wont allow it to be any different. Everyone deseves to be who they are no matter what there sexual orientation, race or religion. I am extremely pissed off that in 2010 that this is still an issue. I know I blog about my own issues and my own secrets but you know after today it made me think.... I kissed a boy and I love it, but I kissed a girl and I loved it too!! We all need to be who we are or we die inside becoming something that just suffocates you. I suppose this has become my first step to being who I am. Yeah me! I am almost free!

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